After Watching “Wish” 星願觀後

Sheng Yun Pan
4 min readJan 9, 2024


In Both English & Chinese

What I adore about Disney’s “Wish” is its dedication to numerous Disney classics. The movie is heartwarming and touching, yet it becomes even more delightful when you uncover the Easter Eggs hidden in its details.

The theme of wishes in “Wish”
The ritual where individuals present their wishes to the King upon turning 18 for safeguarding symbolizes a common experience. Many of us mistakenly believe that adulthood forces us to relinquish our dreams. However, it’s truly our own reluctance to take ownership of our desires and the lack of confidence to pursue them that often hold us back. Instead of truly living, we settle for mere survival, seeking shortcuts and allowing others to dictate our paths. This tendency renders us passionless, akin to Simon, the sleepyhead, described by their friends post-ceremony. It saddens me to realize that while fulfilling some of my wishes, others linger unattended, awaiting my recollection and action.

Addressing the antagonist
1. Holding a specific belief within a remote community, particularly when it revolves around a singular faith, can inherently tread into the territory of cultism. After all, the line between cults and utopias is quite delicate. While creating a utopian society is challenging, the ease of slipping into cultism poses a greater danger.
2. The villain, the King, exudes characteristics of arrogance and narcissism. His interaction with the mirror pays homage to the Queen in Snow White, which I found particularly enjoyable.
3. While there is no malevolent ruler in reality to possess one’s wish, the King symbolizes the harsh realities we face. Surrendering ourselves first mirrors giving up on our aspirations, indicating that it’s our own actions, not just external influences, that shape our circumstances.
4. Even after the King destroys the wishes, their restoration reflects Disney’s magical touch. Yet, aren’t wishes akin to beliefs that can be reborn with our convictions?
5. It’s no surprise that Simon, the sleepyhead, betrays his friends. His lack of wishes reflects a deeper void within. If he cannot believe in himself, how is it possible for him to truly trust his friends?

Charming scenes I adored:
1. The chickens being “awakened” by the star, leading to their lively singing and dancing, elicited laughter from the audience.
2. The fulfillment of the grandpa’s wishes serves as a testament that it’s never too late.
3. The comical element of the goat having a voice much lower and mature than expected despite its young age.
4. One of the dedication I really enjoy: I realized there are seven friends of Asha, the same numbers of dwarfs in Snow White, and I turned out to be right! They are inspired by them!
5. I love how they name the protagonist, Asha. Since everyone is a star, or a stardust, Asha is like ash, ans is related to stardust.
6. Is the girl wishing to fly name Wendy? Since the one who is building an aircraft would be Peter Pan.
7. Up to 100 Easter Eggs in the movie, love to google them and be proud of myself “Yay I did notice this!”
7. Disney’s music always hits the mark, akin to Ghibli’s masterpieces.

The storyline is lucid, and the underlying values are direct. Yet, it’s often the simplest things that slip our minds.




1. 在偏遠地區,有一群體共同相信某個唯一信仰,本身就可能被視為是邪教。畢竟,邪教和烏托邦只有一線之隔。而要建立烏托邦難、邪教易。
2. 國王像大部分反派一樣擁有傲慢和自戀的特質。他說「魔境啊魔境」是向《白雪公主》中的皇后致敬,這一點相當親切我特別喜歡。
3. 雖然現實中沒有邪惡的統治者去專制一個人的夢想,但國王象徵著我們所面對的殘酷現實。自己先屈服、舉白旗投降,如同主動放棄了我們的夢想和心願。這是我們自己懦弱的選擇,而非單純是外在環境的影響。
4. 國王摧毀的心願能夠被復活雖是「迪士尼的魔法」,然而,心願不就是隨著我們的信念而重生的嗎?
5. 我不意外瞌睡蟲是個叛徒。他已經交出心願,所以變得空洞。如果他連自己都無法相信,怎麼能夠完全地信任他的朋友?

1. 星星使母雞「覺醒」,開始歌唱跳舞,讓影廳內觀眾發笑,我也覺得好可愛。
2. 祖父的心願最終能夠成真,代表這永遠不嫌晚。
3. 即使小羊不到三個月大,他的聲音卻相當低沉成熟,非常有趣。
4. 主角的名字Asha非常適合。每個人都是星星,每個人都是星塵。而Asha令人聯想到ash,也是與星塵有所連結吧。
5. 觀影時發現的其中一個彩蛋是Asha有七個朋友,跟白雪公主的七個小矮人數量一樣。回家一查,我是對的!他們果然是由小矮人為靈感而設計。
6. 想飛的那個女孩是Wendy吧?畢竟要造飛機的都是彼得潘了。
7. 這部彩蛋超級多,有100多個,喜歡去GOOGLE然後為自己小驕傲一下:耶這個我有發現耶!
8. 迪士尼的音樂總是完美無缺,就像吉卜力的音樂一樣。

